Everything starts with a little bit of HOPE!


I’ve heard it said that “hope gets a bad wrap”. It always seems so small and well … inconsequential. The truth is that hope is the building block of well … everything.

With a little hope to start us with … we can build anything…

Many years ago one of our kids had a terrible fear of putting their head underwater. This was a little tricky because at that time they were attending swimming lessons and it was part of their routine in the lesson to regularly put their head underwater. Now the swimming instructor was looking at me and I was looking at the swimming instructor to help our child overcome this fear. (And frankly I was a little frustrated that we were paying good money to this instructor and they weren’t helping our child overcome their fear!!! As a psychologist irony is a funny word!!!).

It was then that I realised there were some things a father just needs to walk through with a child! So we went to the pool after the lesson together and faced that fear together .. well after showing her how to put her head underwater she did it! … I then made a huge deal that she had put her head underwater! Now this overpraising (I mean to the extreme), caused our little one to have hope.

She believed that she could put her head underwater now (and she could) and had broken through that barrier. That put a little piece of hope in her heart and well … the rest is history. It’s difficult to get her out of the pool now … she just loves water.

Now in today's BLOG I want to encourage you that if you’ve broken through a barrier, no matter how small it is, and how awkward or unusual the method to get through that barrier, well done! Lets major on the fact that you’ve broken through, put a little hope in our heart and keep going!

Let’s not despise that little piece of hope but major on how amazing it and you are!

Hope this helps you practically today.


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