Habit Formation - It’s a New Day!


Habit Formation - It’s a New Day!

When starting a new habit, or trying to relinquish an old habit, I like to remind myself that it’s a new day. Whatever has happened in the past is in the past and I need to put my joggers on and go into the new day fresh.

How about you?

When I think about habits I often think that they are the building blocks of our lives. And when we have been emerging from lockdowns (as some of us still are) it is important to focus on those habits which bring us life. So here’s the point of today’s post.

What brings us life and are we investing in it?

Driving to my regular sporting activity on a Monday morning made me think about breakfast. Now last week I was running late because I’d slept in and purchased a meat pie and chocolate/coffee drink for breakfast to “boost” me for my physical activity. Now, this is all well and good as a one-off, but the desire to do this again this Monday was SOOOO strong! It was emotionally luring me into a desire to become that breakfast! I needed to be that “tradie” (Aussie rough and tough, handsome man) and buy that meat pie and “Dare” espresso milk to tough it out through my day!

Well, I didn’t and I don’t. I need to make a choice. About what is bringing me life and am I investing into that. And this is the rub. What we do with our next choice is the start of making a habit. Do I choose to be that guy that buys the pie or do I think about what I’m doing and look at what I’m putting into my body as a habit? In essence, what do I want my “New Day” to look like?

Now, this is a very simple example but like the psychology around addiction states, it’s normally in the “seemingly insignificant choices in life” where we either relapse or move into our new day. These “seemingly insignificant choices” in life are the building blocks of our habits.

I hope this helps you today and hope your new day is wonderful too!

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Everything starts with a little bit of HOPE!


Be Kind to Yourself!